Tricia Barry
Communications Specialist

I wanted to reach out to all of you at Kickee Pants first to say thank you SO much for your donation of inventory items for our layettes at EBC – West Sound.  Such a wonderful, and truly needed, donation!! Secondly, I wanted to let you know that I did a post on the EBC – West Sound Facebook page last night acknowledging and thanking you / Kickee Pants for your donation (in case you hadn’t seen it).

Katie Nichol, mom of Cami (Cami’s Jammies)

I also wanted to say that you were so very generous with what you packed in these boxes. It brought me to tears pulling out each bundle, remembering the ruffles and the darling prints I dressed Cami in most days. Every person that met her said she had the most beautiful smile...and the cutest clothes. Such deep, deep heartache and longing for our girl. But determined to let JOY reign until we see her again. Thank you for helping us make it a reality.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart! XO Katie

Fostering Sweet Dreams Foundation

FSDF received our first package from Kickee Pants last week, and to say we’re excited and so grateful to Kickee Pants is an understatement! We provide resources to Foster Families, as well as families in reunification and moms just getting started! The goodies we received from the give back program to add to our Baby Boxes or baby bags are so amazing and nice — what a treat for these mamas and babies to get such a great product! We feel so honored to have received these items to give out to our families. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Kickee Pants!

Jessica Silverman Bryan

Thank you so much for your support of Project Night Night. Your items are just darling! We are most grateful for the support and partnership. It is critical for us to have high quality, amazing children's blankets, books and stuffed animals in inventory so that we can meet the immediate requests of shelters that we serve. Blankets and stuffed animals are our highest priority and your donations were very much appreciated! 

Kaitlin Goedeke

Happy Holidays to you! Hope you're staying warm! I've included some pictures of our Board members with Jayden when we delivered the Christmas donations. Thank you again so much. The Royal Palms Mission is to serve the community to effect positive change, inspire hope through example, and develop the potential of members, while promoting volunteerism. Through action and leadership, the Royal Palms of St. Lucie are devoted to improving the lives of women and children within our community.


I just wanted to say a hearty THANK YOU from PNN. We love everything you sent. We posted to social media some photos. We are completely enamored of the little sheep stuffie that looks just like our logo!! He's our new mascot.

Thank you, thank you for these beautiful gifts. The kids will love them.


We have already distributed over 45 of the outfits and sent 33 to AZ for a Christmas NICU program for one of our leaders there! Thank you so much! We are SO appreciative of the generous gift! We send out about 5-10 care packages a week depending. And we were so happy to be able to also include them in our NICU holiday efforts as well. 

Thank you so much for your support. It truly means the world!

Caitlin Strobel

OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I just about died today when the box was brought to me! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I am forever grateful!

Shanda Maiolo

Thank you so much for all the clothes, bibs and underwear. I used a good bit for the holidays and we are thrilled to have things for new placements. The clothes are so soft and well made it is amazing to be able to provide such nice things to our babies.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your generosity and support is so admired and appreciated. Big hugs!

Belis & Jen

Thank you so much for the donations you sent for the Sonoma fires. Los Gatos Baby Boutique & Cupcake Boutique in Santa Rosa are working together to distribute the clothes to those in need.

Thanks again for your generosity and thoughtfulness!

Mabel Boardman
(foster mom)

Thank you so much for the beautiful clothes. Sometimes they are called the forgotten kids, thank you KicKee for remembering them. Fostering has forever changed our lives and the children we bring into our home. Angel is in love with these soft pretty clothes and says thank you, as do I.

Ruby Perry & girls

I have always loved to help others. Whether it be picking up medication for a sick friend or complimenting a stranger on their beautiful smile. When my hometown, Santa Rosa, was devastated by the tragic firestorm, I knew my daughters and I had to help out our community. My sweet friend and her children lost their home. We raised money quickly to help them get some essentials, but it made me sad to think of all the loss her and her family had experienced. I wanted to bring comfort to her babies. While scrolling on Facebook I saw the KicKee Pants group and knew that KicKee Pants donates to hospitals and charities, so I decided to reach out to them to see if they could lend some comfort to my community in a time of need. Not even a week later they sent two huge boxes of items to donate. My daughters and I had a blast finding families in need to deliver soft and comfy pajamas and clothes. Everyone was so grateful and it was such an amazing learning experience for my girls. The love in the air was thicker than the smoke. Thank you KicKee Pants for bringing my community a little bit closer together.

Heather Millican Doyle

I just want to update you on what we're doing with your donations, because it's incredible. I dropped off a bag with the New Orleans Family Justice Center, and they were so grateful. They really needed the sweatshirts, and the baby clothes will definitely be put to good use. Many of the women they serve that are fleeing domestic violence or are the victims of sexual assault, are pregnant or have infants and nothing to clothe them with.

I'm also going to take the adult pajamas and a lot of the infant clothes to Covenant House, which is the program that helps homeless youth. They are putting Christmas packages together, so this is perfect timing. I'm going to save some things for the birthday parties, but those are mostly toddlers and young children, so the Christmas drive is the best fit for the infant clothing donations for that program.

The majority of the donation is going to the day care center at Jackson Barracks. JLNO supplies them with all their diapers and wipes and we went to their Christmas luncheon today. The center cares for children of service members, many who are deployed overseas. The director is an absolutely amazing person, and she was so thrilled with the bag that I brought her. She asked if KicKee Pants was a local company, because she wanted to invite you guys to come see the program so she can thank you in person, but I said it was a national company.

This really was above and beyond and it is helping so many wonderful programs. From homeless youth, children of domestic violence victims, and children of brave soldiers serving our country... Y'all have touched many lives. It's not just clothes.



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